Monday, March 12, 2018

Titanic 2018 page 4

Titanic 2018 page 4 by ric Gustafson

Here are a few of some notable passengers on the Titanic. Major Archibald Butt was a military aide to President Taft. John Jacob Astor was one of the world's wealthiest men. He built the Astor Hotel in New York. Benjamin Guggenheim was involved in his family's interests. Isidor Straus was active in L Straus and Sons. George Widener was well known as a financier from Philadelphia. Colonel Washington Roebling was President of a iron and steel company. William Stead was a journalist and an author. J Bruce Ismay was a founder of the International Mercantile Marine. Jacques Futrelle was an author whose work appeared in the Saturday Evening Post. Henry Harris was a theater manager. Henry Harper was related to the Harper publishing business. Francis Millet was an American painter. Charles Hays was President of the Grand Trunk Pacific Railway. Margaret Brown and her husband had hit it big in mining. Thomas Andrews was the ship's architect. Frederick Fleet was one of the ship's lookouts. Stuart Collett helped with religious services on the ship. Algernon Barkworth survived on Collapsible B. Millvina Dean was the youngest survivor and the last to pass away. Charlotte and Marjorie Collyer started a new life in Idaho. Captain Arthur Rostron became a hero for rescuing the survivors the next morning. Young Douglas Spedden was photographed several times playing on board the ship. He survived. Reverend John Harper made sure his niece and daughter survived. Eva Hart was a famous survivor who died in 1996. Anna Kincaid was one of the few steerage passengers who survived.

research help: ' Life Titanic' by Time Inc

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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