Saturday, March 24, 2018

thieves of happiness: Consumption

thieves of happiness: Consumption by ric Gustafson

Consumption is a thief that tells us that something outside ourselves that we need to have happiness. This thief tells us that there is something we need out there and we need to go get it. Consumption is at the heart of our consumer society. Consumption tells us we need something to be happy and content. Our mind says I will be happy if. Consumption robs us in the present and the future. Consumption says if we have this we will have the good life.
So how do we tame this thief?. First, we need to ask ourselves if this thing we want will bring me happiness?. Second, we need to choose contentment over consumption. Third, we need to buy less and share more.

research help: ' The five thieves of happiness' by John Izzo

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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