Sunday, March 11, 2018

Titanic 2018 page 3

Titanic 2018 page 3 by ric Gustafson

The Titanic was not only the largest ship afloat, it also was the most luxurious. Cabins were elaborately furnished. Some of these cabins had private promenades with the best suites. One of the suites was $ 4,350 for the voyage. Suites without the private promenade decks were $ 2,300. The Titanic's staterooms were larger than the Olympic. The sitting rooms of some of the suites were 15 by 15 feet.
Not only were the rooms luxurious but the ship was built for stability, Their were fifteen watertight compartments installed. If the ship struck an iceberg, even if half got flooded the ship would still float. The bulkheads of the ship were of heavy sheet steel. The compartment doors were held in place by friction clutches. By the turn of a switch, the doors would close in a second.
Next, we will look at some of the passengers on the ship of dreams.

research help: ' On Board the Titanic' by Dover Publications

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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