Wednesday, March 21, 2018

thieves of happiness: Covet

thieves of happiness: Covet by ric Gustafson

To covet is a desire with envy to have something for yourself that you do not have. When we want something that somebody else has that is to covet. It is a thief of our happiness. Envy and covet are linked together. When we have resentful longing for something, we want to covet. This desire to envy and then covet could be many things. It could be money or higher status. The thief asks us a question how do I compare?.
To covet takes away our capacity to be grateful to ourselves and others. To covet takes us our happiness away and affects our relationship with others. We resent the happiness of others. Instead of coveting, Jesus wants us to feel gratitude. Gratitude will increase our sense of well being and happiness. It will help our health and our relationships with others. We need to be aware that the thief is there. Next, we must stop the thief. We must refuse the thief. Then we must replace the thief with a new thought pattern. Jesus wants to be that new thought pattern. Praise God.

research help: ' The five thieves of happiness' by John Izzo

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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