Sunday, March 25, 2018

thieves of happiness: Comfort

thieves of happiness: Comfort by ric Gustafson

As human beings we love order. We like to make order out of chaos. Our minds are hardwired for routine but excited by change. The neuros in our brains are programmed for habit. Most of our decisions are made by our subconscious brain. We are prone to routine but excited by change.
Jesus does not want our lives to be routine. To be happy we need new experiences and Jesus can provide that. Jesus does not want us to get stuck in a life pattern. We like to stick with old patterns.
So how do we stop this thief?. We must recognize our old patterns of thinking. Second, we must say no to old patterns and choose a new path. Third, we can change our thought patterns at any age.
Praise God.

The End.

research help: ' The five thieves of happiness' by John Izzo

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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