Thursday, March 30, 2017

Matthew page 2

Matthew page 2 by ric Gustafson

Levi's teacher was tall, clean shaven and had short wavy hair. " My first rule is that you remain silent at first".
Levi grinned. " Ok".
" I want you to observe and listen".
" Ok".
" Your training will show us if you are mean't for this type of work".
Levi shook his head. " I'm ready for it".
Divri smiled. " You seem very confident".
" Try me".
" Ok". He thought for a moment. " A man brought five wagons, 70 head of cattle, three dozen sheep and fifty bushels of wheat".
Levi thought for a minute. He grinned and wrote down a number. He handed it to his teacher.
Divri smirked. " That is not the number I had".
Levi grinned again. " I added in my 20%".
" You start tomorrow with Efah".

research help: ' Matthew's Story' by Tim Lahaye and Jerry Jenkins

Happy Lent. Love Ric

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