Friday, March 10, 2017

666 Landmine Plaza page 2

666 Landmine Plaza page 2 by ric Gustafson

Regis knocked again.
" Come in".
He opened the door and walked into a spacious well furnished office. Fancy paintings adorned the walls.
A middle aged man wearing a red sport coat and red dress shoes walked over. " Hello, you must be here for the interview".
" I am". He shook his hand. " Regis Monroe".
The man in red grinned. " My name is Pride".
Regis gave him a strange look. " Pride?".
He pointed toward a nearby chair. " Please have a seat".
Regis sat down.
Pride sat down at a desk. He opened a file. " As we're waiting for the other interviewers, I thought that I would ask you a couple of questions".
" Ok".
Pride stared at Regis. " Are you a believer?".
" Yes".
He smiled. " Do you sometimes feel self centered and inadequate?".
Regis wanted to be honest. " Sometimes".
Pride grinned. " Do you ever act on it?".
" I try not to". His voice hesitated. " I pray to Jesus that you will go away".
" And why is that?".
" Because God hates Pride".
Pride threw the file on the desk. " Please wait for the next interviewer".

research help: ' Landmines in the path of the believer' by Charles F Stanley

Happy Lent. Love Ric

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