Thursday, March 9, 2017

666 Landmine Plaza page 1

666 Landmine Plaza page 1 by ric Gustafson

Regis Monroe walked up to the steel door. He looked up. Then he stared at the piece of paper in his right hand. " 666" he mumbled to himself. " That's a strange number for an office building". He opened the door and walked inside.
A young woman wearing a red business outfit was sitting at an open desk. She looked up at Regis. " Can I help you?".
Regis smiled. " Yes, I have a 9:00 job interview for the Administrator position".
Suzie Willis opened up a day planner that was on the desk. " Can I have your name please?".
" Regis Monroe".
" Oh yes". She pointed at the ledger. " I have you right here". She pointed toward a nearby office. " The first person to interview you today is Pride".
Regis gave her a strange stare. " Pride?".
She smiled and pointed toward the office. " Good luck to you Mr Monroe".
" Thanks". He walked to the office door. He stopped to pray a silent prayer to God for wisdom and strength. He knocked on the door.

research help: ' Landmines in the path of the believer' by Charles F Stanley

Happy Lent. Love Ric

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