Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Matthew page 1

Matthew page 1 by ric Gustafson

The head of the Publican Training Group shook Levi's hand. Chaklai was a large man with a beard and a moustache. " Your family is not keen on you coming here".
Levi frowned. " Not really".
" I see that you are fluent in Aramaic and Greek".
" I am".
Chaklai grinned. " That will help".
" Sir, I am anxious to learn about taxes".
The big man chuckled. " Good Good".
" I'm hoping eventually to have my own tax area and office".
" Good". His voice hesitated. " I'm going to have you taught by Divri". His voice hesitated. " He is my best teacher".
Levi grinned. " I am ready to learn".
" That's good". He began to walk away. " Come with me".

research help: ' Matthew's story' by Tim Lahaye and Jerry Jenkins

Happy Lent. Love Ric

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