Thursday, March 23, 2017

Lent 2017: Isaiah 6: 1-8

Lent 2017: Isaiah 6: 1-8 by ric Gustafson

During Lent, we listen for God's Word and Spirit to lead us. We need to examine our lives and our Christian discipleship. We need to commit to service to God through Jesus. We need the Holy Spirit to guide us and to lead us. Without the Holy Spirit, we would not bear fruit.
This starts by our answering of God's call. In today's bible reading, the prophet Isaiah replied to the call by saying " I'm here send me". As God's people, we need to be ready to answer God's call. We need to pray and say to God " here I am send me".

research help: ' The Sanctuary for Lent 2017' by Donald McKim

Happy Lent. Love Ric

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