Friday, February 28, 2014

I'll Have A Cup page 3

I'll Have A Cup page 3 by ric gustafson

Francine opened the glass cabinet and took out a colorful cup. She handed it to Davis. " This cup is called the Cup of Life".
He studied it closely. " Why is it called the Cup of Life?".
She smiled as she took it back and held it tight. " This cup reminds me of God's constant presence in my life".
Darlene took the cup. " I want to feel that too".
" This cup also shows me spiritual boundaries that I need to maintain".
Davis took the cup from Darlene. " This cup is beautiful".
" That cup also shows me how thirsty I am for God".
Darlene frowned. " Thirsty for God".
" I need to be thirsty for peace of mind, accepting others, wisdom to make good decisions and choices in life". Francine took the cup and put it back in the case. " Do you have time to look at another one?".
Davis glanced at his watch. " Sure".

research help: ' The Cup Of Our Life' by Joyce Rupp

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Do Not Weep

Do Not Weep by ric gustafson

Jesus and a large group of his followers were approaching the village of Nain. Jesus stared in the distance and saw that a funeral procession was coming.  It was a procession for a widow who had lost her only son. When Jesus's group and the procession met, they both stopped.
Jesus walked over to the grieving widow. " Do not weep". He walked over to the funeral bier and then touched it.
The funeral bearers froze in fear.
" Young man, I say unto thee Arise".
All of a sudden, they could hear a noise from inside the bier. Just then, the young man sat up and began to speak. The young man got out, joined his mother and she began to cry with joy. As the two groups left, there was much trembling and fear from all those who witnessed this miracle.

research help: The Bible King James version
                        Portals of Prayer Feb 2014

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

crimes of the century: 9/11

crimes of the century: 9/11 by ric gustafson

On September 11 2001, the dawn was breaking on a beautiful autumn day. At 7:59 am, Flight 11 from Boston's Logan International Airport took off for Los Angeles with 92 on board. Around 8:15 am, Flight 175 left Logan for Los Angeles with 65 crew and passengers. At 8:42 am, Flight 93 left from Newark International Airport heading for San Francisco with 44 on board.
At 8:46 am, Flight 11 slammed into the North Tower of the Manhattan World Trade Center. At 9:03 am, Flight 175 was heading south toward New Jersey over the New York harbor. Then it made a hairpin U-turn and flew into the southeast corner of the South Tower. At 9:37 am, Flight 77 flew toward Washington DC and hit the western end of the Pentagon Building. All 64 people on board died as well as 125 Pentagon workers.
Those aboard Flight 93 heading west heard what was happening in New York and knew that they were next. Passenger Todd Beamer led others into the hijacked cockpit and a struggle started. One of the hijackers forced the plane to crash in Somerset County Pa at 10:07 am. All aboard were killed.
At 9:59 am, the South Tower collapsed. At 10:20 am, the North Tower came down in a pall of smoke and dust. The death toll was enormous. 2,606 died in the towers, 343 firefighters died trying to get people out of the towers, 72 police officers, 125 were lost at the Pentagon and 246 died on the planes.
The 19 skyjackers were identified as members of al-Qaeda.

research help: Enquirer Special Investigation

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Thursday, February 27, 2014

crimes of the century: the Green River killer

crimes of the century: the Green River killer by ric gustafson

Between 1982 and 1998, at least 48 young women mostly prostitutes were killed in the Seattle area. The killer would strangle his victims and then dump their bodies in the Green River south of town. A man named Gary Ridgway was arrested for prostitution loitering in November 2001. He admitted to being the Green River killer and DNA tests linked him to the victims. To avoid the death penalty, he led authorities to most of the bodies.
He is now serving 48 life sentences without a chance for parole.

research help: Enquirer Special Investigation

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

crimes of the century: Columbine

crimes of the century: Columbine by ric gustafson

On April 20 1999, two students at Columbine High School in Littleton Colorado walked in and began shooting. Dylan Klebold and Eric Harris had been planning for this day for over a year. They were part of a clique called the Trenchcoat Mafia and had hoped to kill thousands. On that dreadful day, they walked in and shot at everyone they encountered. Before they turned their weapons on themselves, 13 were dead and 23 were wounded.

research help: Enquirer Special Investigation

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Moses page 13

Moses page 13 by ric gustafson

As Moses walked toward Mount Sinai, he looked up seeking God. For about forty years now, he had tended sheep flocks for his father in law Jethro. He told Moses that with a little effort he could become a king of the Midianite nation. Moses told him no that he was just a simple shepherd. At the base of the high mountain, he found a good place to rest. He got onto his knees and pleaded to God. " Lord, remember your people in Egypt". He got up and continued to walk. As he started up the base of the mountain, something caught his eye. He walked up to what appeared to be a bush on fire.
" Moses! Moses!".
" Here I am" he replied as he trembled in fear.
" Do not come any closer" a voice exclaimed. " Take off your sandals for the place where you are standing is holy ground".
He took off his sandals as he kept trembling.
" I am the God of your father, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac and the God of Jacob".
In fear, Moses fell onto his knees.
" I have seen the misery of my people in Egypt and I have heard their cry".
Moses could not believe what he was hearing.

research help: ' By Way Of The Wilderness' by Gilbert Morris

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Why? trusting God to set me free

Why? trusting God to set me free by ric gustafson

When Lazarus came out of his tomb, he was wearing his grave clothes. He was alive but could not walk. Jesus told Martha to take off his grave clothes and let him go. What grave clothes are we wearing that is keeping us bound?. Are the grave clothes memories of the past, fear of the future, resentment, an unforgiving spirit, bitterness, pride and doubt.
Jesus says to take off our grave clothes one by one. We may need someone to help us take them off through prayer. Have we missed out on joy, life, love and peace because of our grave clothes. Jesus Christ has set us free as long as we take off our grave clothes and throw them away. The book of Hebrews says to throw our hindering grave clothes and run the race set out for us.
When I don't understand why, I trust God because he has set me free.

The End

research help: ' Why?' by Anne Graham Lotz

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Why? trusting God alone

Why? trusting God alone by ric gustafson

As God's people, do we believe in miracles?. Jesus called miracles 'signs' to draw attention to them as a means to a greater end. Miracles or signs show us that God is teaching. Sometimes we search desperately for a miracle. We search hard when we are suffering physically, emotionally or mentally. Jesus's biggest miracle is the raising of Lazarus from the dead. This miracle is also about Martha's change from faith to trust. Jesus said ' take away the stone'. Is there a stone keeping you in sin and spiritual death?. Jesus told Martha to roll away the stone.
Like Martha, we need to obedient to God and roll away our stone. Are we missing joy and glory because we refuse to roll our stone away?. Jesus revealed to Martha that he was the resurrection and the life. He proclaimed that anyone who believes in him will live.
Even though we ask why?, we need to trust God alone that he is enough.

research help: ' Why?' by Anne Graham Lotz

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Monday, February 24, 2014

I'll Have A Cup page 2

I'll Have A Cup page 2 by ric gustafson

Davis opened the door and they walked into a quiet and sparse coffee area. He turned to his right and saw the plaque. He walked over and pointed toward it. " This plaque talks about the ' Blessing of the Cup'".
Darlene walked up to the quiet counter and rang the bell that was by the cash register.
A middleaged woman came out from behind a swinging door. " May I help you?".
" Yes". She smiled at the woman. " My husband and I are interested in a cup of coffee".
Francine McGee pointed toward a glass display case that was on a far wall. " I have many cups but sorry no coffee".
Davis walked over. " We assumed this was a coffee shop based on your sign".
She walked over to the case. " If you have a minute, I'll show you my beautiful cups".
He glanced at his watch. " Yes, we have time".

research help: ' The Cup of our Life' by Joyce Rupp

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

crimes of the century: Princess Diana

crimes of the century: Princess Diana by ric gustafson

On Aug 31 1997, Princess Diana, her lover Dodi Fayed and their driver Henri Paul were trying to get away from photographers by driving through a Paris tunnel in the early hours. The car crashed and all three died. In 2008, an inquest found the driver Henri Paul guilty of gross negligence because of drinking. Fayed's father Mohamed Al Fayed believes that the royal family is behind the crash. He believes that the royal family did not want a baby fathered by a Muslim.

research help: Enquirer Special Investigation

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Sunday, February 23, 2014

Titanic 2014 page 3

Titanic 2014 page 3 by ric gustafson

Major Archibald Butt was the military aide to President Taft. He was in Europe to call on the Pope on behalf of President Taft. On behalf of the President, he presented the Pope with a letter thanking him for the creation of three American Cardinals. In 1911, he was promoted to the rank of Major. He spent a lot of time with a friend Francis Millet who also perished on Titanic.
Colonel John Jacob Astor was returning from Egypt with a 19 year old bride, Madeline whom he married in September 1911. He was one of the world's richest men. He built the Astor Hotel in New York. He invented a bicycle brake and improved a turbine engine.
Benjamin Guggenheim's father founded M Guggenheim and Sons. All of the Guggenheim interests were consolidated into the American Smelting and Refining Company. Guggenheim married Floretta Seligman in 1894.
Isidor Straus's family was involved with the R. H. Macy and Co. He was well known in politics  and charitable work. Isidor's wife decided to stay and perish on board with her husband.
On board from Philadelphia were Mr and Mrs George Widener. George was a financier and a leader in society. George was interested in horses and spent a lot of time at horse shows. His father P.A.B Widener was a director at International Mercantile Marine.

research help: ' On Board The Titanic' by Dover Publications

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

crimes of the century: JonBenet Ramsay

crimes of the century: JonBenet Ramsay by ric gustafson

The day after Christmas 1996 in Boulder Colorado, millionaire executive John Ramsay discovered the lifeless body of his daughter JonBenet. In the basement, he found his young daughter had been beaten, strangled and her wrists tied together. On the stairs was a ransom note demanding $118,000. John and his wife Patsy were devastated. The murder remains unsolved.
In 2006, a teacher named John Mark Karr confessed to killing JonBenet. His confession was later discredited. That year, Patsy Ramsay died from ovarian cancer.

research help: Enquirer Special Investigation

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Thursday, February 20, 2014

crimes of the century: Oklahoma City bombing

crimes of the century: Oklahoma City bombing by ric gustafson

On April 19 1995, a bomb was detonated inside a truck outside the Alfred P Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City Oklahoma. The explosion reduced the building by three floors of rubble and 168 victims which included 19 children. Within two days, authorities arrested a former GI named Timothy McVeigh. He was stopped for a traffic violation and arrested for having a concealed weapon.
McVeigh died by lethal injection on June 11 2001. His accomplice Terry Nichols is serving 161 life sentences. Accomplice Michael Fortier cut a plea deal and was released in 2007. He is currently in the Witness Protection Program.

research help: Enquirer Special Investigation

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Titanic 2014 page 2

Titanic 2014 page 2 by ric gustafson

The engine room of the Titanic consisted of the reciprocating engines and the turbines. Each of the engines could generate 15,000 horse power  at 75 revolutions a minute. The Parsons turbine could develop 16,000 horsepower and run the ship's propellers one which was directly under the rudder. The ship's four funnels were connected to the engine room and one ventilated the ship's galley.
Down below, there were 24 double and five single end boilers. The double boilers had six fires underneath and the smaller three furnaces. Coal was stored in bunker space along the side of the ship and then put into bunkers running all the way across the ship.
A feature of the ship was it's refrigerating plant and had separate cold rooms for beef, mutton, poultry, game, fish, vegetables, fruit, butter, bacon, cheese, flowers, mineral water, wine and champagne.
The reason the ship was thought of as unsinkable was because of it's watertight steel compartments. The bulkheads were of heavy sheet steel and started at the very bottom of the ship. They extended right up to the top side. The compartment doors were held in place by friction clutches. On the bridge was a switch which connected with a electronic magnet at the side of the bulkhead. When this switch was turned on, the magnet caused a weight to release the friction clutch and the door would close in a second.

research help: ' On Board The Titanic' by Dover Publications

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

crimes of the century: O.J. Simpson

crimes of the century: O.J. Simpson by ric gustafson

O.J. Simpson was a beloved football hero and a film star. On June 12 1994, all that changed. Simpson and his ex wife Nicole Brown Simpson attended their daughter's music recital. About 10:15 that night, Nicole and a friend Ronald Goldman were murdered in the courtyard of a Brentwood townhouse. The killer wore gloves  and wielded a knife that killed both of them.
Simpson was on a flight to Chicago and claimed that he was innocent. Based on heavy evidence, Simpson was charged with two counts of murder. During his trial, he was painted as a violent, jealous and a wife beater. Prosecutors claimed that he had plenty of time to commit the murders and then fly to Chicago. Blood was found in O.J.'s Bronco, his home, his socks and in his driveway.
O.J's legal team attacked the evidence and key witness, police detective Mark Fuhrman. Eventually, Simpson became a free man but his troubles were far over. Ronald Goldman's family sued Simpson for the wrongful death of their son and was awarded $33 million in damages.
In 2008, Simpson was convicted of robbing two people at gunpoint and was sentenced to 33 years in Nevada's Lovelock Correctional Center.

research help: Enquirer Special Investigation

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

crimes of the century: David Koresh

crimes of the century: David Koresh by ric gustafson

On Feb 28 1993, agents from the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms stormed a compound outside of Waco Texas. They wanted to arrest David Koresh for stockpiling weapons and explosives. When they raided the compound, a gun battle broke out between agents and Koresh and some of his followers. Four agents were killed along with six members of the cult. After this gun battle, a 51 day standoff started.
Koresh's cult named the Branch Davidians barricaded themselves inside the main building of the complex. On April 19 1993, agents stormed the complex. Around noon, fires started in the main building. When the smoke cleared, 76 followers died including children, Koresh and his family.

research help: Enquirer Special Investigation

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Monday, February 17, 2014

Jesus Calling 48

Jesus Calling 48 by ric gustafson

Matthew 28:5- ' And the angel answered and said unto the women, fear not ye for I know that ye seek Jesus which was crucified'.

Jesus Christ is the risen one who shines on us always. We worship a living Deity not a man made image. Jesus wants to be in all areas of our life. He is always changing us to become a new creation. Our old life will fade away and a new life is on the horizon. Jesus wants us to embrace him and find our security in him alone.
Jesus wants us open our eyes so we can see all that he has prepared for us.
Jesus is calling. Will you answer his call?.

research help: ' Jesus Calling a 365 devotional' by Sarah Young

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

crimes of the century: Jeffrey Dahmer

crimes of the century: Jeffrey Dahmer by ric gustafson

Between 1978 and 1991, chocolate factory worker Jeffrey Dahmer murdered 17 young boys and men. He called himself a cannibal and feasted on some of his victims. He would search for some of his victims at malls, bus stops wherever he could find them. On July 22 1991, he was caught because his last victim escaped and notified police.
Dahmer was convicted in 1992 and sentenced to 957 years in prison. Two years into his conviction, Dahmer was stabbed to death by another inmate.

research help: Enquirer Special Investigation

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

my name is Jesus page 7

my name is Jesus page 7 by ric gustafson

I stand in the distance as my cousin named John is in cold brown water up to his waist. He stares out at the shore where lines of believers are standing to be cleansed of their sins. These people are mostly poor working and are mystified by my cousin and his radical teachings. My cousin has long hair, sunburned skin and an unkempt beard. He lives alone in the desert and exists on a diet of locusts and honey. His tunic is stitched from the skin of a camel and cinches around his waist with a leather belt.
As I watched, a tax collector cried out. " Teacher, what should we do?".
" Don't collect any more than you are required".
A soldier cried out. " And what should we do?".
" Don't exhort money, don't accuse falsely and be content with your pay".
As John immersed the next person, a voice shouted out. " Who are you?".
" I am not the Christ".
A Pharisee cried out. " Then who are you?". The voice hesitated. " Elijah".
" No!".
" Give us an answer so we can take it back to those who sent us".
John grins. " I am the voice of one calling in the desert".

research help: ' Killing Jesus' by Bill O'Reilly and Martin Dugard

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Sunday, February 16, 2014

my name is Jesus page 6

my name is Jesus page 6 by ric gustafson

I am sitting among a group of Jewish scholars and listening to their insights about common faith. I am 12 years old and I am sitting in a terrace of the Chamber of Hewn Stone. The priests and the teachers are astonished at my understanding of complex spiritual concepts. They are listening to my words and marveling at my gifts.
I know that my parents are looking for me but I need to be here. My desire to dig deeper into the meaning of God overwhelms me. I don't think my actions are disobedient. I have a lot of questions to ask.
My parents are searching through the Lower City for me and are concerned that I am scared, lonely and hungry. They enter the Temple and then walk up the stone staircase to the Temple Mount. They walk into the Court of the Gentiles and search for me. They walk through the Eastern Gate and into the Court of Women.
Finally, at the terrace where the scribes teach the scriptures to believers they find me. My mother gave me an irate look. " Son, why have you treated us like this?". They could not believe my talking about my real Father. " Your father and I have been anxiously searching for you".
" Why were you searching for me". I stared at them. " Didn't you know I had to be in my father's house?".
My father and mother lead me from the Temple and back home.

research help: ' Killing Jesus' by Bill O'Reilly and Martin Dugard

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Saturday, February 15, 2014

Titanic 2014 page 1

Titanic 2014 page 1 by ric gustafson

In early 1908, The White Star Company announced that they would build a ship that would break all shipbuilding records. This was the Titanic. The keel of the ship was laid in the summer of 1909 at the Belfast Ireland yards of Harland and Wolff. The designer was Lord Pirrie and the ship was completed in February of 1912.
The ship was measured at 45,328 tons and was commanded by Captain E.J. Smith. It was 882 feet long which was about four city blocks. The ship had four funnels and had eleven decks. Her average speed was 21 knots and could accommodate 2500 passengers. The ship was divided into compartments and was separated by fifteen bulkheads.
The crew numbered 860 and her tonnage was 45,000. The plates in her hull were 36 feet long and the largest steel beam was 92 feet long. The rudder weighed 100 tons and the anchors were 15 and a half tons each. Three million rivets weighing 1200 tons held the solid steel plates together.
The ship was not just the largest but the most luxurious also. Some of the cabins had their own private promenades. Some of these suites were sold for $ 4350. Some without the private promenades were sold for $ 2300.

research help: ' On Board The Titanic' by Dover Publications

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

my name is Jesus page 5

my name is Jesus page 5 by ric gustafson

One day when I was twelve or thirteen, my parents could not find me. Traveling northeast from Jerusalem is dusty and barren. This path leads downhill toward the Jordan Valley and the desert of Perea. My parents were walking with a long line of pilgrims back to Nazareth after the Jerusalem Passover Festival.
My parents were stopped at the city gate to pay the publican a tax on goods purchased. My parents were part of an enormous caravan to protect themselves from robbers, kidnappers and slavers. My parents had not seen me since yesterday but they figured that I was somewhere in the caravan with family or friends.
The caravan is going around Samaria which is not a good or safe route. There are few sources of food or water and the landscape was desert and rugged wilderness. My parents felt reassured that I would reappear in the morning.
By noon the next morning, I was nowhere to be found. My parents walked through the caravan asking about my whereabouts. No one had seen me. My parents decided to walk back to Jerusalem to look for me.
I knew they were coming back for me. My destiny had to be fulfilled.

research help: ' Killing Jesus' by Bill O'Reilly and Martin Dugard

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Friday, February 14, 2014

my name is Jesus page 4

my name is Jesus page 4 by ric gustafson

The Temple was the most important and sacred building in all Judea. It is a physical embodiment of the Jewish people and their faith. It was first built by Solomon in the 10th century B.C. It was leveled by the Babylonians in 586 B.C. and then rebuilt by Zerubbabel  nearly 70 years later. Herod renovated and expanded it making it larger than Solomon's.
As Herod kept looking for me, I actually visited the Temple twice. The first time was when I was eight days old. I was brought there to be circumcised according to prophecy. The second time was when I was forty days old. I was brought there to be formally presented to God. This was in keeping with the laws of the Jewish faith. My father purchased a pair of turtledoves that were sacrificed for the occasion.
One thing I remember was that two strangers were waiting for me to arrive. An old man named Simeon took me into his arms, offered a prayer to God and thanked him for the chance to see the new King with his own eyes. The other was a woman named Anna who was 84 years old. She had spent all of her waking hours in the Temple fasting and praying. She praised me and thanked my parents for bringing this special baby boy into the world.
My parents marveled at the words of these two special people. After it was all over, we left Jerusalem.
If only Herod knew I was only 600 yards from his throne room.

research help: ' Killing Jesus' by Bill O'Reilly and Martin Dugard

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

I'll Have A Cup page 1

I'll Have A Cup page 1 by ric Gustafson

Davis Armison stopped at the red light.
" I'm thirsty" Darlene Armison replied as she clung tight to her tiny red purse. " Can we stop for a cup of coffee?".
" Sure". He looked around as he kept a glance at the light. " I don't know this part of town very well".
" There" she pointed toward a strip mall on the right. " There's a place called ' I'll Have A Cup'".
The light turned green and Davis turned to the right. He stopped the blue jeep in an empty stall near the front door of the small store.
They got out and walked toward the front door.
" That's strange" she said as she glanced at the lack of cars in the stalls.
" What's that".
" I'm surprised there aren't very many cars here for a Saturday morning".
Davis opened the glass door.

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Noah's wife page 20

Noah's wife page 20 by ric gustafson

Early one morning, I walk up to my husband as he gazes toward the peak of the mountain. His eyes are closed as if he is in pain. " What is wrong husband?".
" I had a dream that I found a village of sinners who had survived".
" What happened in your dream?".
" I shouted at them to repent their ways and change".
" Then what happened?".
" I woke up in a cold sweat and had trouble breathing".
I knew then that my husband needed rest and was tired.
One night, I find my husband lying underneath a tree. I join him. " I want to thank you for our children and grandchildren".
Noah smiles as he hugged me. " I have been thinking of a name for you".
" Husband, what name is that?".
" God gave me a righteous woman who has carried a mark on her forehead all these years without complaining".
" What are you saying husband?".
" The matriarch of all mankind needs a worthy name". He hugs me again. " What name shall I call you?". The sun was beginning to peak over the mountaintop. " Dawn is a new beginning".
" So what will my name be?".
" Shahar which means dawn in the new world".
" That is good enough for me".
We get up and begin to walk back to our tent.
Now I have a name.
My name is Shahar.

The End.

research help: ' Sinners and the Sea' by Rebecca Kanner

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Noah's wife page 19

Noah's wife page 19 by ric gustafson

One day, my husband walks up to me. " Wife, how far down the trees can you see?".
I can feel the heat outside the boat. I smile. " All the way".
" My eyesight fails me". He gives me a hug. " Tell me more".
" Below us is a valley with just a stream running through it".
The three boys get out of the boat and then catch us in their strong arms. We walk into green dry grass. We take off our sandals and walk in it. I turn toward my husband. " Husband, is our work done?".
" Almost".
As we sit under a tree, we watch as our three sons chase the animals out of the boat. First the small animals then the large ones. The raven and the dove returned.
Our sons have made a sleeping tent for my husband and I.
One night, my husband could not sleep.
" What is wrong my husband?".
" It is hard for me to sleep without the noise of the Sea and the wail of the sinners".
I smile as he eventually falls asleep.

research help: ' Sinners and the Sea' by Rebecca Kanner

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

my name is Jesus page 3

my name is Jesus page 3 by ric gustafson

These men who came to Herod's castle were called Magi. They were astronomers, diviners and wise men. They had studied the Tanakh which was a collection of history, prophecy, poetry and songs telling the story of the Jewish people. They had traveled almost a thousand miles over desert following a bright star.
" Where is the one who has been born the king of the Jews?".
Herod gave them a perplexed look.
" We have seen his star in the east and have come to worship him".
Herod gave them an angry stare and then clapped his hands. " Bring me my religious advisors". Some teachers of religious law and some priests ran in. " Tell me where I can find this new King?".
One of the teachers spoke up. " According to the prophet Micah, it will be in Bethlehem which is in Judea".
" Go" he told the three men. " When you have found the child, report back to me so that I can worship him also".
The men leave and figured out Herod's real intentions. They do not return.

research help: ' Killing Jesus' by Bill O'Reilly and Martin Dugard

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Noah's wife page 18

Noah's wife page 18 by ric gustafson

As my family and I wait for the water to recede, we take care of the animals. I noticed green on the mountaintop. I cannot wait to put my feet on it.
One day, my husband walks over to me smiling. " Send out a dove".
I gave him a worried look. " Doves cannot find their way home after they have flown so far".
My husband puts a scrawny raven on his finger and opens the door. He lifts his finger into the air and the bird quietly flew away into the sky. " Bring us something from a tree".
" I hope he comes back" I muttered out loud. I was concerned because he was the only unclean raven we had on the boat.
Days passed with no sign of the raven returning. My husband gives me a concerned stare. " Send out the shiny eyed dove". She flies off  Noah's finger and then returns later. She flies off again and then returns with an olive branch in her beak. She flies away a third time but this time does not return.
" Wife, it will not be long now".
After eighty days of the dove not returning, my husband walks up to me after praying to God for guidance. " God commands us that we wait until the water returns to the Sea".

research help: ' Sinners and the Sea' by Rebecca Kanner

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Monday, February 10, 2014

Noah's wife page 17

Noah's wife page 17 by ric gustafson

As I gaze at the water below, I wonder if we are the only ones left. I turn my head but only see water. It seems that our boat is the only thing left on this earth. I began to think that we were the only ones saved. I walk out and unwrap the scarf that was around my head. The mark on my forehead does not bother me any longer. I threw the scarf into the water.
My husband was on the floor kneeling and praying.
" Husband, when will this be all over?".
He got up and gave me a hug. " I feel like I have aged a 100 years since this started".
" Husband, you look tired".
" I am" he said as his eyes tiredly stared around the boat. " He will not let me go until our work is completely done".
One day as I walked to the ramp under the deck, I feel a huge crash. I fell to the floor of the second level. ' What is going on' I wondered as I slowly stood up.
Ham walks over to me. " We have come to rest on top of a mountain".
" Son, I don't see it".
" Mother, it is beneath us".

research help: ' Sinners and the Sea' by Rebecca Kanner

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

my name is Jesus page 2

my name is Jesus page 2 by ric gustafson

My name is Jesus and my story continues.

As King Herod looked out a palace window, he was a very troubled man. First of all, his physical health was getting worse. He was sixty nine and had a bloated face. He had to hobble around because of an inflamed big toe and he had gout. Other ailments that plagued him were lung disease, kidney problems, a heart condition and gangrene.
But what bothered him even more were warnings that a new King might be coming. Over the years, he had foiled many plots and had murdered anyone who tried to steal his throne. He had ten wives at one time but killed one for plotting against him.
But what bothered him the most was a prophecy from centuries past that a new King was to come and rule their people. He was told that five things would occur to confirm the new Messiah's birth. The first is that a star would rise. Second, that the baby would be born in Bethlehem. The third that the child would be a direct descendant of David. Fourth, that powerful men would come from afar to worship him. And Fifth, that the child's mother would be a virgin.
He was extremely worried and concerned the day some travelers from the East stopped at his castle.

research help: ' Killing Jesus' by Bill O'Reilly and Martin Dugard

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Saturday, February 8, 2014

Noah's wife page 16

Noah's wife page 16 by ric gustafson

I try to hang on as the storm grows wild and cages are flying across the floor. I hear lighting and thunder outside. Then all of a sudden, silence.
" Do you hear that?" Ham asked.
" Son, I don't hear anything".
" I know Mother, it's silence".
Shem slowly opens the hatch. He sees water and then gray light.
Japheth walks up the ramp to the deck and the rest of us follow.
We stare at the Sea that God emptied on everyone except us.
Noah is now standing next to me. " The sinners have not been destroyed".
" Husband, what do you mean?".
" God is pausing between the rain and the worst of the flooding". Noah stared at the Sea and could see the last of the sinners screaming and going under the water.

research help: ' Sinners and the Sea' by Rebecca Kanner

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

my name is Jesus page 1

my name is Jesus page 1 by ric gustafson

My name is Jesus and this is my Easter story. I believe to tell a story you need to start at the beginning. When I was really young, I lived in a village named Bethlehem. One day, heavily armed soldiers from Jerusalem came intent on finding me and killing me. The soldiers were foreign mercenaries from Greece, Gaul and Syria. The one who sent them was a man named Herod.
They did not know my name so this Herod told his soldiers to murder every male child under two years of age. It is springtime and the soldiers feet are clad in sandals. They come to do what Herod has instructed them to do. They must follow orders and do their jobs or risk being killed for insubordination. They come for me wearing swords named pugio and gladius. These weapons are attached to their waists.
While the soldiers search for me, Herod is gazing out a palace window waiting for the confirmation that I am dead.

research help: ' Killing Jesus' by Bill O'Reilly and Martin Dugard

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Thursday, February 6, 2014

crimes of the century: Aileen Wuornos

crimes of the century: Aileen Wuornos by ric gustafson

Between December 1989 and September 1990, middleaged men were disappearing along highways in Florida and Georgia. In 1991, cops busted a woman in Daytona Beach Florida. She confessed to luring men to a remote location near a highway, killing them and then leaving their bodies by the roadside. The woman's name was Aileen Wuornos. At least seven men were murdered by her.
In 1992, she was sentenced to death. She was executed by lethal injection in October 2002.
A movie named ' Monster' in 2003 depicted her life.

research help: Enquirer Special Investigation

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Noah's wife page 15

Noah's wife page 15 by ric gustafson

When the Sea has been rough, we bail out water. We eat when we can and hold on for dear life. When we do feed the animals, I feel sadness. Nobody knows what time it is or what day it is. I am tired but cannot sleep. I am starved but too nauseated to eat much other than a few nuts.
Noah gathered us together. " We must protect this boat even though God is protecting us".
Later, my husband and I were resting on blankets listening to the animals and the crashing of the Sea. " Wife, I pray that our sons will stay away from wickedness".
" Husband, we have good boys". Later, I look at our faces and notice how gaunt they look.
I think about townspeople that we knew. I wonder what happened to them. I smiled at my husband. " There is one thing I wish more than anything else".
" What is that wife?".
" Husband, do not let me die without a name".

research help: ' Sinners and the Sea' by Rebecca Kanner

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

crimes of the century: the Menendez brothers

crimes of the century: the Menendez brothers by ric gustafson

In 1989, Jose and Kitty Menendez were relaxing in their Beverly Hills mansion one night when the unthinkable happened. Their sons, Lyle and Erik who were just 21 and 18 murdered them in cold blood. The trial caused a national, sensation in 1993 when it was shown all the time on Court TV. At first, the brothers appeared to have an alibi but in 1990 Erik broke down and confessed.
The first trial ended in a mistrial but both were convicted after a second trial.
Both were sentenced to life in prison without parole.
Both brothers got married behind bars.

research help: Enquirer Special Investigation

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Noah's wife page 14

Noah's wife page 14 by ric gustafson

Black clouds appeared making it look like night. The dark clouds surrounded the sky and snuffed out the light. Townspeople ran in all directions to avoid the dark and heavy rainclouds. The wind from all directions hit the boat. As townspeople tried to get into the boat using whatever means possible, my sons kept pushing them back overboard.
I could hear the thunder and the sea falling from the sky. I could hear the cries and screams of those who are going to die. Noah and I watch as the world around us ends. After a while, the rise of the sea makes our boat rise up. We see people on rafts trying to stay alive.
Noah and I both pray that God will keep us and this boat safe.

research help: ' Sinners and the Sea' by Rebecca Kanner

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Noah's wife page 13

Noah's wife page 13 by ric gustafson

It took seven moons for my husband and sons to build the boat. I began to fear the coming sea.
" Do not fear". He gave me a hug. " It will only last forty days and forty nights".
One day, someone in the crowd began to chant. " Tear off her scarf and you will see that she is a devil".
One morning, my husband came back from praying all night. " We must hurry because we only have seven days".
Noah instructed us on which animals could enter the boat.
" We can only take two of each unclean animal".
I noticed that some came in packs.
" We can only take seven pairs of animals such as oxen, sheep, goats, gazelles and mountain sheep".
One day after all the animals were safely inside the boat, my husband talked to his sons.
" Dismantle the ramp and never leave the rope ladder down".
Townspeople tried to get into the boat using their own ladders.
Noah pointed a finger at them. " No one but us can come aboard".

research help: ' Sinners and the Sea' by Rebecca Kanner

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

crimes of the century: Jim Bakker

crimes of the century: Jim Bakker by ric gustafson

Before 1987, Televangelist Jim Bakker and his wife Tammy Faye were making millions from their religious empire called the PTL Club. But in 1987, that empire came tumbling down when he was caught with a church secretary named Jessica Hahn. He paid her $265,000 in hush money but the deed was already done.
Bakker was exposed and forced to quit the PTL and the Assemblies of God Church. On December 8 1988, he was charged with fraud for trying to oversell time shares at his Christian theme park. In October 1989, Bakker was convicted of fraud and conspiracy and sentenced to 45 years. He only served four years.
Bakker wed Lori Beth Graham in 1998. Tammy Faye divorced Bakker, married Roe Messner and died of colon cancer in 2007.

research help: Enquirer Special Investigation

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Monday, February 3, 2014

Production #1060 page 11

Production #1060 page 11 by ric gustafson

Makeup for the principal actors in the Wizard of Oz was long and painful. It took one hour and forty five minutes for Jack Haley to put on his makeup. Bolger playing the Scarecrow had a rubber bag that was wrinkled to simulate burlap. The bag was put over Bolger's head except for his eyes, nose and mouth. It was extended down his neck and then tied with a piece of rope. It took two hours in the morning to glue the bag and then to blend the makeup to look like burlap.
For Jack Haley as the Tin Woodman, they had to put rubber skin over his head and glue it behind his ears. Then they took a salve and painted his face white. They painted his face silver and glued on a silver nose.
For Bert Lahr as the Cowardly Lion, he wore a fur wig and his chin was covered with a fur beard. He wore mittens and wore a padded suit. Once the fake lion's nose and mouth were glued to his face, he could not open his mouth far enough to chew.
For Margaret Hamilton playing the Wicked Witch of the West, her makeup wasn't easy either. Her rubber piece consisted of a false nose, a jutted chin and a large wart that had dark hair coming out of it. Her eyebrows were touched up and her face, arms and hands were covered with green paint.

research help: ' The Making of the Wizard of Oz' by Aljean Harmetz

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Noah's wife page 12

Noah's wife page 12 by ric gustafson

As I watched my sons help their father with the boat, I noticed Ham gazing up into the clouds. Something about the boat was bothering me. " Husband, why is their no rudder?".
Noah smiled at me. " God will be our rudder".
The more the boat took shape, the jeering crowd kept getting larger and louder.
" Noah, where is the sea that this boat will sail on?".
Noah gave them a stern stare. " The storm clouds will come".
One day, Noah's cousin Manosh brought more gopher wood. He pushed through the crowd with his mammoth. " Noah, this is the last of the gopher wood from our land".
My husband and my three sons worked on the boat as quick as possible. My husband could sense that time was running out. Manosh had brought slaves to help us build the boat. My husband said that they could help until the hull was completed. After Manosh and the slaves left, the large crowd of onlookers came back.
One day, My husband and I were staring at the large almost completed boat.
" One day, God will drown the entire world except us".

research help: ' Sinners and the Sea' by Rebecca Kanner

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Saturday, February 1, 2014

Production #1060 page 10

Production #1060 page 10 by ric gustafson

On October 12 1938, Richard Thorpe began to direct the Wizard of Oz. Twelve days later, he was fired. At the time, he was filming scenes inside the Witch's Castle with Dorothy, the Tin Woodman, the Scarecrow and the Cowardly Lion. Before Victor Fleming took over the directing reins in November, George Cukor helped out. Cukor noticed that how Dorothy looked was all wrong for the picture. He had Judy Garland take off her blonde wig and most of her makeup.
Victor Fleming was a man's director who piloted his own plane and rode motorcycles. In 1938, he was making $2,500 a week and was fifty five years old. His wife gave birth to two daughters Victoria and Sally. All the film Thorpe had done was thrown out and now Fleming was the official director. The only cast change was that Jack Haley replace Buddy Ebsen as the Tin Woodman. Fleming loved to tell stories regarding silent movies. Toward the end of filming, Fleming was asked to help with ' Gone with the Wind. A director named King Vidor was asked to finish filming the Wizard of Oz.

research help: ' The Making of the Wizard of Oz' by Aljean Harmetz

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

attributes of God: the holiness of God

attributes of God: the holiness of God by ric gustafson

the dictionary defines holiness as to divide or to set apart from all else. To be holy is to be different or unique. With God, holiness divides him from everyone and everything.
God's holiness is in a class by itself. We need to respect and revere God's holiness for various reasons. The first being that God has no evil in his character and is pure, whole and righteous. God is pure love, pure morally and without sin.
So how does God reveal his holiness to us?. He reveals it through people such as Moses, David and Isaiah. God reveals it through places such as the burning bush, the parting of the Red Sea and the blazing pillar of fire. He reveals it through the law as in through the Ten Commandments. He reveals it through prophets such as Isaiah. God reveals his holiness through his wrath and judgment. He reveals it through his Son Jesus. And lastly, he reveals it through his church.
So how do we respond to God's holiness?. We do it by the way we think, how we obey him and our attitudes that we need to develop promoting holiness.

research help: ' God as he longs for you to see him' by Chip Ingram

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric