Wednesday, June 20, 2012

where is your God?

Where is your God? page 1 by ric gustafson

Brett Rowson opened up his cell phone and dialed a number. " AAA".
" Yes, do you need roadside assistance?".
" Yes, my car's engine just quit and I'm at". He stopped when he realized someone was standing behind him.
" Need some help?".
He turned to see a young bearded man who had a large brown suitcase sitting next to him.
" Need some help with your engine?".
" As a matter of fact I do" Brett replied as he wondered how a complete stranger would know the trouble he was in.
" Mind if I take a look".
" No".
The stranger opened the hood and peered inside. A few minutes later, he closed the hood. " Get in and start it up".
He stared at the stranger.
" Sir, do you need roadside assistance?".
" No" Brett exclaimed. He shut his cell phone and then put it into one of his pant pockets. He got into his Chevy Malibu, put the key into the ignition and it started right up.
The stranger smiled.
" How did you do that?".

research help: A sermon by Rev John Lewis

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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