Saturday, June 30, 2012

Mr Firecracker prelude

Mr Firecracker prelude by ric gustafson

Erich Holmes yawned as he took off his black workpants and put them into his dresser. He glanced at the clock radio on the small wooden table by their queen size bed. He noticed that it was 4:00 and his tee time was 5:05.
He put his jean shorts on and then saw them slip off of his legs. ' That's strange' he thought as he tightened his belt. It was as if he was losing weight without even trying. He yawned again as he put an old ball cap on and then put his cell phone, keys and wallet into his pockets. He yawned again because the previous night he had gotten up twice because he was extremely thirsty. The second time he had to go to the bathroom because of the water he had drank.
The thing that worried him the most was that all of these things were happening to him at the same time.

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