Saturday, June 16, 2012

Father's Day revisited page 2

Father's Day revisited page 2 by ric gustafson

" He's the best father you could ever have" I said as I drank from my bottled water. " When I've needed help, he's always been there".
The Creator smiled as he sipped from his bottled water.
" I remember shooting baskets after school and he would come home, change clothes and shoot baskets with me".
" Didn't you help your father with the lawn?".
" Yes, Dad would come home Saturday afternoon from golf and we would work on the lawn together".
" Your father gave you something very special".
" Yes". The memory came back. " When I graduated from high school, Dad gave me a watch that belonged to his father". Another sudden memory made my face sad.
" Not all memories are happy ones".
" No" I replied as a tear began to form in my eyes. " When my father was wheeled down the hallway for his second heart surgery, I thought it was going to be the last time that I would see him".
With love in his eyes, the Creator wiped my tear away. " You don't really want to play HORSE do you?".
" No".
" Ric, you are a blessing to me and thank you for observing my commandment of honoring your father and your mother". " I will bless both you and your earthly father because you bring joy to my heart". He put his basketball back into his white duffel bag. " Go in peace". He gave me a hug goodbye.
" Thanks Dad for everything" I said out loud as I walked out the front door of the building.

The End- dedicated to Tom E

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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