Saturday, June 2, 2012

the stranger who came to town page 4

the stranger who came to town page 4 by ric gustafson

Flora poured a cup of coffee and put it in front of Stanley, who delivered the mail in Smokey Flats. Out of the corner of her eye she watched as the stranger walked in and sat down at a corner booth. She picked up a menu from the bin and walked over to his table.
" Good morning" she said as she handed him a greasy menu. " Can I get you something to drink?".
" Yes black coffee" Homer replied as he stared at her through his dark sunglasses. He opened up the menu as she went to get his drink. As he looked at the menu, he thought to himself that pancakes sounded good this morning. As he quickly looked around the small diner, he noticed that customers were pretty sparse this Sunday morning. Probably going to church he thought with an evil smirk.
" Here's your coffee" Flora said as she put the pot down next to his silverware. " Anything on the menu look good?".
" Yes, I'll have the pancake short stack" he replied as he put the menu down. " And keep the black coffee coming".
As Flora left to put the order in, Josh and Clarice walked in. They sat down at a table next to Homer's.
" Good morning Josh".
The young man turned with a surprised look on his face. " Hi Mr Tang" he replied as he pointed at the young woman next to him. " You remember my friend Clarice".
" Of course".

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