Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Father's Day revisited page 1

Father's Day revisited page 1 by ric gustafson

I walked through the front doors of the New Heaven Design Group Building and walked up to the receptionist. " I have an 11:00 appointment with the Creator".
She picked up a schedule that was on her cluttered desk and studied it. " I'm sorry, but he's downstairs in the gym shooting baskets". She smiled at me. " Would you like to join him?".
" Sure".
She pointed me toward a nearby elevator. " Just take that elevator down to the basement".
I got on and then walked out onto a carpeted hallway. I walked into a small gym and noticed an older gray bearded gentleman shooting baskets. I recognized the Creator.
He saw me and put his basketball down. " Hi Ric". He walked over and gave me a hug.
" I hope I'm not bothering you".
" Course not" he said with a grin as he picked up the basketball. " Just shooting some baskets". " Care to join me for a game of HORSE".
" Sure". He bounced the ball to me. I took a shot and missed.
" So what's on your mind Ric?". He shot and made a basket.
" I wanted to thank you for giving me the best earthly father I could ever have". I tried the shot and missed giving myself an H.
He made a basket and then I missed giving myself HO.
" Let's stop for a while" the creator said as he walked off the court. He handed me some bottled water and began to drink some himself.
" Tell me about your earthly father".

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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