Wednesday, June 6, 2012

the church on Wayward St page 6

the church on Wayward St page 6 by ric gustafson

Pastor Simpson rubbed the lamp. A blue fog began to pour out of it's spout. A strange voice came out of the fog. " What is your wish?".
He looked around his sparse office and thought about ways he could spruce up their house. " My wish is for a huge increase in my compensation at the next yearly budget meeting".
The following January, Pastor Simpson stood by the projection console and smiled. The Pastor's compensation section was the next thing to discuss. He was confident he was going to get his big compensation increase. The lamp had granted all of his previous wishes.
After a lengthy discussion about compensation for lay personnel, Derick Jones turned toward the Pastor. " I'm sorry Pastor Simpson but the church council and myself cannot justify anything more than a cost of living increase for you and the other Pastors".
Pastor Simpson could not believe what he was hearing. " What do you mean Derick?".
" I'm sorry Pastor but because of falling attendance and tithes since last summer and rising costs to keep this parish going, we have no choice".
Enraged, Pastor Simpson quickly walked back to his office.

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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