Thursday, June 14, 2012

the Car Show page 1

the Car Show page 1 by ric gustafson

I walked out of the side door of our church and noticed how sunny and beautiful the day was. As I started to walk home, my thoughts turned to my father in law. He has Parkinson's and I was thinking about him and feeling blue. As I was walking, I noticed a side street unfamiliar to me and decided to try a little different route home. As I walked down the street, off to the side I noticed a large sign. It said ' Rosedale Street Car Show'. The sign said it was free so I walked up to the entrance.
As I walked in, I began to walk down the first row of cars. There were cars from the 40's to the souped up cars of today. I smiled thinking that my father in law would have loved walking through this. As I neared the end, I looked to my left and saw an unusual sight.

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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