Saturday, June 9, 2012

the stranger who came to town page 7

the stranger who came to town page 7 by ric gustafson

Pastor Winters was walking into his office when he saw Josh and Clarice walk through the front door.
" Hi Pastor Winters".
" Hello, I need to get ready for the service". He opened the office door to put on his robe. " I'll talk to you after it's over".
" Ok" was Josh's reply as he grinned. " I need to talk to you about something".
They sat down in a pew and saved a space for Homer. Linda Langford sat down next to them like she normally did. Josh worried about her welfare because she could barely lift her left arm due to a shoulder injury.
Just as the first hymn was about to be played, Homer quietly walked in and sat down next to Josh and Clarice. Josh noticed that Homer always had his dark sunglasses on. As the service went on, Josh also noticed that Homer never picked up the green hymnal or sang when the hymns were sung.
Twenty minutes into the service, Pastor Winters walked up to the pulpit to start his sermon.

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