Sunday, June 17, 2012

the return to the land of Dante page 5

the return to the land of Dante page 5 by ric gustafson

Aaron and the old man walked up to the campfire. He noticed several people were sitting around it. One young man stood up and walked over. " Well old man" he said as he shook the old man's hand. " Looks like you are escorting someone new".
" This is Aaron".
" Where are we?".
" Well young man" the man said as he pointed toward other campfires. " Some people call this Sheol and some call this Limbo the hem of Hell".
" Why Limbo?" Aaron asked as he shook his head.
" This dark quiet place are for those who never had a chance to hear the Name and yet loved truth".
" So why are you here if you believed in the spirits that created you?".
" We knew of a Creator but believed that he was distant and had no interest in us".
" And now you are here".
" Now I know the truth and believe but it is too late".

research help: ' My visit to Hell' by Paul Thigpen

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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