Saturday, April 30, 2011

Day 27,376 page 1

Day 27,376 page 1 by ric gustafson.

Albert Hinton saw the bright light illuminate the office as he walked in. He put his lunch in the little refrigerator that was by his big oak desk. He poured himself a cup of coffee from the coffee pot on the counter and sat down. A huge stack of paper clipped papers from the boss were sitting next to the phone.
He yawned as he studied the names on the pages. ' A lot of people today' he thought as he turned on the small white radio to hear some soothing music. The boss appointed him to this post a while ago and he knew it would be a challenge. He knew it was time to start his shift even though there was no clock and he did not wear a watch.
" Nancy" Albert said into the intercom as he took a sip from his coffee cup. " Could you please send Pierre in?".
A gray haired gentleman wearing a ballcap that said ' Heaven' walked in and sat down on the other side of Albert's desk.
" Morning Pierre".
" Good morning Mr Hinton" he said as he looked around the familiar office. " What's my assignment today?".
" First name on the list today". He took another sip of the cofee. " David Pickering, age 75 today". He scanned the sheet of paper. " Actually, he's having his birthday party today".
Pierre grinned knowing that Mr Hinton usually gave him the senior citizens. " Townville Kansas" he said with a big grin. " Ever been there?".
" No" Pierre replied as he stood up to leave.
" See you when you get back" Albert said as Pierre left the room.

research help: a Janice Gilmore article.

Everyone have a great Saturday. Love Ric.

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