Friday, April 8, 2011

the spider and the fly part 3

the spider and the fly part 3 by ric gustafson.

Samson and Jennifer sat down in the large plush seats of the movie theater. The lights grew dim and the movie began.
" Want some popcorn?" Samson asked as he handed the large box to Jennifer. " I'm looking forward to the movie".
" I am too" she said as she took a handful of the popcorn and then gave it back to Samson. " I'm just happy being with you".
" Me too".
After watching the movie for a while, Jennifer whispered into Samson's ear. " How do you get your great strength?".
" I don't really know" he replied as he intently watched the movie. " I've always been really strong because I'm a Nazirite".
" You mean there is no way you can become weak".
" My mom has told me of two or three ways" he said as he took a handful of popcorn. " She told me that if I was tied up with seven fresh bowstrings not dried out, I would be weak like everyone else".
One evening at Jennifer's house, they were watching a movie. Samson fell asleep and Anthony Wheeler came over and tied him up with the bowstrings.
" Wake up Samson" Jennifer screamed as she shook Samson awake. " Somebody's in the house".
" What's going on" Samson said as he got off the couch and the bowstrings snapped off like twigs.
The next day, he gave Jennifer a ride home after powerlifting practice.
She gave Samson an icy stare. " That was a mean trick you pulled on me".
" I said it was a myth not a bonafide fact".

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric.

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