Thursday, April 7, 2011

the spider and the fly part 2

the spider and the fly part 2 by ric gustafson.

" Thanks for the ride Samson" Jennifer said as Samson drove up to the curb next to Jennifer's parents house.
" Your welcome, anytime" he replied as he put the Saturn into park. He noticed a group of boys playing basketball in Jennifer's driveway. " Is one of them your brother".
" Yes, my brother Edwin". She hugged Samson and then got out of the car." He likes to play hoops with his friends after school"." Thanks again for the ride" she yelled as she ran from the car.
' You are welcome' he thought to himself as he drove off.
" Who was that?" Edwin asked as she walked by him.
" I know who it is" Anthony Wheeler said as he threw the basketball to Edwin." It was Samson who beats me every year at powerlifting. " I sure wish I could find out where his strength comes from".
" Jennifer, why are you interested in that long haired Clarkson Cougar anyway?".
" He's cute, he's sweet and treats me nice".
" Your not turning traitor against Boulay, are you" asked her brother.
Jennifer pointed at her Boulay sweatshirt. " I am a loyal Boulay Bobcat".
" Anthony and I were talking" he said quietly as they sat down in the grass. " We have a favor to ask".
" What favor is that?".
" Find out how Samson gets his great strength" her brother said as he pulled some cash out of one of his shorts pockets." Also here is $200 so you and your cheerleader friends can go shopping".
" I don't know" she replied with a sad look. " He's a sweet guy, i don't want to hurt him".
" I know" was the reply as he put a loving arm around his sister. " We are simply asking that you find out where he gets his incredible strength".
She thought for a moment. " Ok". She took the money and walked into the house.
Edwin and Anthony stared at each other with huge grins on their faces.

Everyone take care. Love Ric.

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