Sunday, May 1, 2011

his name is John page 4

his name is John page 4 by ric gustafson.

" Are they here?" Herod asked.
His assistant Menahem, who was standing by the courtyard door, moved aside.
Three men entered the chamber. One wore a Persian turban as if he came from the north. The second was an African with skin as black as coal. The third was a distant Oriental. All three bowed before Herod.
" What brings you to our land?".
All three pointed toward the sky.
" What do you know about the prophecy?".
The Persian began to speak in a foreign language.
Herod stared at Menahem.
" He said the new king is to come from this area".
" Oh yes, the prophet Micah predicted that he would come from Ephratah which we call Bethlehem". Herod gave the three Magi a serious look. " You can go on one condition" he said after he cleared his throat. " If you find him, let me know so that I may worship him also".

research help: ' John the Baptizer' by Brooks Hansen.

Everyone take care. Love Ric.

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