Sunday, April 17, 2011

the last $ 2.06 of Roland Buras

the last $ 2.06 of Roland Buras by ric gustafson.

Roland Buras felt inside his black pant pocket for any change he might of had. As the ushers began walking toward his pew, he pulled out two one dollar bills, a nickle and a penny. He looked at the money and a tear came to his eyes. He knew this was all the money he had left to his name. He put the money in the collection plate and started singing the hymn they were playing. He smiled with peace in his heart that he had done the right thing.
Alan Mason walked into the workroom with four heavy collection plates. He sat down at a long wooden table.
" Morning Alan" Jack Franklin said as he walked in and sat down.
The two men began to seperate the checks from the loose cash.
" I saw Roland put in $ 2.06 that he had in his pocket" Alan said with a big chuckle as he kept seperating the money. " He owns a huge house, has a great job and that is all he gave for tithe".
" He gave everything he had".
The two men turned their heads to see a young man with a dark beard and white clothes standing in the doorway.
" Who are you?" Jack asked as he dropped the envelope he was holding.
" Roland gave more than anybody else you have in those collection plates" the young man said with a smile. " He had just lost his job, used up all of his savings and might lose his house too".
" I did not know that" Alan replied quietly in shame.
" Everyone gives from what I give them but Roland gave everything that he had for my Kingdom".

The End.

Everyone have a great Palm Sunday. Love Ric.

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