Sunday, April 17, 2011

the wedding at Cana

the wedding at Cana by ric gustafson.

Mary smiled as she noticed her son was wearing the tunic that she had woven for him. She was standing by her son and his friends as they watched the wedding procession go by. The bride was being carried to her husband's house.
To Mary, it looked like the entire village was in attendance. Harps, flutes and drums kept people dancing all night and much food and wine was being consumed. On the fourth day of the celebration, the wine flowed less freely.
Mary noticed that one of the servants looked anxious. " What troubles you?".
He showed her two pitchers of wine. " After this we have no more".
" Surely the bridegroom has more wine in his house".
The servant shook his head.
Mary knew that the bridegroom would be shamed if he ran out of wine for his guests.
" Come and I will speak to my son".
Jesus was having a conversation with his friends.
Mary quietly walked up to him and spoke softly into his ear. " They have no more wine".
" How does that concern me" he replied as he stared at his mother. " My time has not yet come".
Mary turned to the nearest servant. " Do whatever he tells you".
Jesus saw six large stone waterpots set up against a wall. " Fill the jars with water".
The servants stared at each other with perplexed looks and then did what he instructed.
When they were done, one of the servants told Jesus.
" Dip some out and take it to the master of ceremonies".
The servant dipped a pitcher into the waterpot and then walked over to the master of ceremonies. The servant poured from his pitcher into his cup.
The master of ceremonies tasted what was in the cup and smiled. " Usually a host serves the best wine first" he said as he tasted it again. " But you have kept the best until now".

The End.

Research help: the Ryrie Study Bible

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric.

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