Tuesday, April 26, 2011

the two builders page 4

the two builders page 4 by ric gustafson.

" King me" said Alvin Ward as he clapped his hands in delight.
Wally put a black checker on top of the other one. He frowned knowing that the game was not going in his favor. Just then, his friend Moochy walked in.
Alvin took all of Wally's checkers. " I win".
" Moochy, do you want to play checkers?".
" No, but I do have something I want to show you".
They walked outside. Wally noticed the brand new SUV parked by the door. " Who's new SUV is that?".
" Mine" Moochy said as he stared at it with joy.
" How did you get the money?".
" Let's just say I borrowed some from the front office" he said as he checked the paint job. " I will pay it back".
" Moochy, you didn't".
Just then, a hand pulled his hands back and put cold handcuffs on. " Moochy Seafield, you are under arrest for stealing $ 60,000 from this retirement community".
A tear came to Wally's eyes as his friend was put into the back of the patrol car.

The End.

Everyone take care. Love Ric.

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