Tuesday, April 26, 2011

the ding ding man

the ding ding man by ric gustafson.

The summer was hot. I heard the ding ding bell and I ran to the pure white truck looking for ice cream.
The ding ding man was dressed in white with a dark beard and a big smile. He opened the little window and looked out. " Can I help you?".
" I'm looking for ice cream" I said as sweat dripped into my eyes and stung them.
" I'm not selling ice cream" he replied with a grin.
" So what are you selling?" I asked as I kept wiping sweat from my eyes.
" That people would simply believe in me, repent of their sins and they will be with me forever".
" Not selling ice cream".
" Nope, just the free gift of salvation".
" Why do you ding ding that bell but yet you don't sell any ice cream?".
" I ding ding for the lost and anybody willing to listen to my simple message".
" Sorry" was my reply as I walked away wanting ice cream.
The ding ding man watched with tears in his eyes and sadness in his face. He dinged dinged the bell and the pure white truck traveled on in search of the spiritually lost.

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric.

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