Monday, April 4, 2011

the narrow gatekeeper a

the narrow gatekeeper a by ric gustafson

I was walking along the broad road that continued as far as I could see. All kinds of people, old, young, women and children were also walking toward the same destination. As I kept walking, I noticed a huge wide gate. A man in red was waving to people to walk through this gate.
As I walked, I glanced to the left and noticed something that I could have overlooked. I saw a small narrow gate covered with vines and near it was a small sign which said ' this way to eternal life'. Something inside my heart told me to step out of the mass of people heading for the broad gate and walk toward this other gate.
I walked up to the small gate where a man in a white suit was opening the door of the gate. " Hi" I said as the gatekeeper had just opened the door for a young couple to enter.
" Welcome" he replied with a smile as he shook my hand. " I'm glad you saw my small gate and decided to walk over".
" Not much activity here" I said as I watched the endless columns of people heading toward the wide gate.
" Everyone who glances to the left can see the sign and the gate" he said with a sad look. " Very few actually walk over here".

Everyone take care. Love Ric.

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