Thursday, April 7, 2011

Line 1 page 1

Line 1 page 1 by ric gustafson.

" Good morning, this is the Jesse morning show". Jesse Carter said with a yawn as he took a sip of orange juice.
" Good morning Jesse" replied a quiet but reassuring voice. " Thank you for taking my call".
" Your welcome" he replied with a sigh as he adjusted his sunglasses. " Do you have a question for me this morning?".
" Yes, Jesse I do" said the reassuring voice. " How do you feel about your life right now?".
With a frustrated look on his face, he pushed the cutoff button. " Marci, that was a crank call".
Jesse took another sip of orange juice and waited for the next call.
" Jesse, you have a call on line 1".
" Good morning, this is the Jesse morning show".
" Good morning, Jesse" said the quiet voice again. " How do you feel this morning?".
Jesse again pushed the cutoff button and then gave Marci an angry stare. " Marci, this is the same crank call as before".
" I'm sorry Jesse but he sounds so sincere and he is the only caller calling in".
Jesse took another sip of orange juice and thought to himself that this morning could not get much worse. He was tired, his eyes were blood shot from lack of sleep and he had a hangover from drinking too much the previous night. This crank caller was really beginning to make him mad.
Marci put her arms up in an I'm sorry look. " Jesse, line 1".

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric.

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