Tuesday, April 5, 2011

the narrow gatekeeper b

the narrow gatekeeper b by ric gustafson.

" Sorry, I forgot to introduce myself" he said as he shook my hand." My name is Louie".
" Doug" I replied as I stared at the endless mass of people walking by.
He opened the gate for an elderly man.
" Why do you think the majority of people don't walk over here?".
" Different reasons I'm sure" he quietly said as he opened the gate for a smiling little boy." Some are hardened hearts that want to do their own thing". He pointed toward the wide gate." Compared to that gate, very few come through here".
" But everyone can see the sign and could walk over".
" Yes, everyone can read it" Louie replied as he opened the gate for a young woman." But few take the sign to heart and walk over here".
I smiled as I looked at Louie. " I would like to walk through it now".
" Good" he replied as he opened the gate. " He's been waiting for you".
I walked through that small narrow gate knowing I was going to spend all of eternity with God.

The End

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric.

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