Thursday, April 14, 2011

Line 1 page 3

Line 1 page 3 by ric gustafson.

" Are you happy with your life Jesse?" God asked as he squirmed in his chair.
" Sure" Jesse replied in a hesitant voice. " Why wouldn't I be".
" Be honest with me " said the quiet voice. " Why do you need to drink?".
He knew he could not hide his problems from God. " I drink because I have problems with my wife and the pressures that go along with this show".
" What if I told you a way that you can be happy and that someone else could deal with your pressures and pain".
" Sounds too good to be true" Jesse replied with a smirk. " What would I have to do".
" Believe in me, follow me and read my word".
" Your Word!" Jesse replied with a confused look. " What's your Word".
" Look next to you".
He turned and next to him on the console was a plain black pocket size New Testament. He skimmed through it. " What do I do with it?".
" Study my Word and simply believe in me".
" I'll think about it" Jesse said as he put the little bible into his briefcase.
" Fair enough" God said in a gentle voice. " I better let you get back to your show".
" Thank you for the call".
" My pleasure Jesse" replied the gentle voice. " Go in peace".
The call ended. Then, Jesse turned to see that all six lines of the phone were now lit up.

The End

Everyone take care. Love Ric

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