Sunday, April 10, 2011

the man who fed the birds and squirrels

the man who fed the birds and squirrels page 1 by ric gustafson. Thomas Crayson walked into the large kitchen and looked around. " Have you seen Robbie?". " I'm sure he's outside practicing his swing" she replied as she flipped the large fluffy pancakes. " You know how much he loves golf". " I'm sorry I have to go to work on Saturday" he said as he picked up his worn brown briefcase. " I need to ask Robbie something". " Tom Tom" she yelled as she put the pancakes on a large plate and set it on the kitchen table. " Pancakes are on the table". " Yeah" said the 10 year old boy as he leaped across the last two carpeted steps. He quickly ran to the kitchen table and sat down. He put syrup on top of his pancake stack. " Have a good day at the office dad". He kissed his son's forehead and then his wife's cheek. " I'll see you this afternoon". He walked out into the garage and put his briefcase on the passenger seat. He opened the back door and noticed his 17 year old son practicing his golf swing and hitting a plastic golf ball. " Robbie, I need to ask you something". Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric.

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