Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Line 1 page 2

Line 1 page 2 by ric gustafson. " Good morning, this is the Jesse morning show". " Good morning Jesse" said the reassuring quiet voice. " Trust me I'm not a crank call". " Well, you could have fooled me" was the reply as he stared at Marci. " You sure had my assistant fooled". " I just wanted to call and find out how you are doing". " How am I doing" Jesse replied sarcastically. " I'm tired, I have lots of problems in my personal life and the only call I've gotten is you and you are giving me a massive headache". " I'm worried about your health and well being" said the quiet voice. " Especially after what you did last night". " How do you know about last night" he asked as Marci shook her head in confusion. " I never tell my real name on the show". " I know a lot about you Jesse" said the voice. " More than you will ever know" " Really, who are you?". " I go by many names, Allmighty God, Father and Yahweh". " How about God then?". " God is fine". " Hold one second, please" Jesse said loudly as he pushed the hold button. " Marci, are there any other calls " No" she replied. " Just God". Jesse went back to line 1. " Ok God" he said as he finally gave in. " You now have my full attention". Everyone take care. Love Ric.

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