Friday, April 29, 2011

his name is John page 2

his name is John page 2 by ric gustafson.

Zechariah ascended the Temple steps followed by his two assistants. He took a hammer and struck the magrephah. He walked into the Holy Place and noticed a seven branched candlestick. He was picked to perform the lighting of the incense because he had not performed it before. Zechariah knew that a priest only performed it once.
He looked to his left and saw the Table of the Shewbread. Next to the side of the altar was a plate of incense. Next to the incense was a palette knife. He took the knife and heaped some of the incense onto the hot coals.
Zechariah opened his mouth to pray to Jehovah and nothing came out. He could sense that another presence was in the room. A bright light appeared next to the altar. The old priest could do nothing but listen to the light.
When the light had finished talking to Zechariah, it flickered and then left.
A priest came in to notice that Zechariah was on the floor and could not speak.

research help: ' John the Baptizer' by Brooks Hansen.

Everyone have a great weekend. Love Ric.

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