Friday, April 29, 2011

his name is John page 3

his name is John page 3 by ric gustafson.

The day the child was born, no midwife was there. Zechariah and Elizabeth lived quietly in a village called Ein Karim. The village was just west of Jerusalem. The townspeople knew that the old priest couldn't speak and that his wife was expecting a child.
One day, Elizabeth's cousin Mary came to visit. She was also expecting and when Elizabeth saw her cousin, the child in her womb jumped.
Eight days after the child was born, the customary feast was held. Priests and townspeople came and brought gifts of bread and fruit. People began to ask what the name of the boy would be.
" His name is chosen and it will be Yohannan".
A neighbor stared at Elizabeth in disbelief. " Is this name found in your family?".
She shook her head no. " Yohannan is the name the Lord has given him".
They looked at Zechariah. " Is this true?".
The old priest asked for a tablet. He wrote ' his name is Yohannan'.
The circumcision followed.
Zechariah held his son tightly in his weary arms. Suddenly, his voice came back. " Blessed be the Lord of Israel".
He lifted his son above his head. " You Yohannan will go before the Lord to prepare his way".

research help: ' John the Baptizer' by Brooks Hansen.

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric.

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