Sunday, April 3, 2011

Sergius Paulus and Elymas part 3

Sergius Paulus and Elymas part 3 by ric gustafson.

Sergius was working on some official business with Elymas.
An aide walked into the room and whispered into the ear of the proconsul.
" The Jewish evangelists I wanted to talk to are here".
" Like I warned you, stay away from these men".
An aide showed the three men into the court room. Barnabas, Paul and John Mark walked over and now stood before the proconsul.
Paul looked over and noticed Elymas sitting in a corner with an evil look on his face." We were told that you wanted to meet with us".
" No, we do not want to talk to any of you" yelled Elymas as he stood up from the back of the room.
Sergius sighed at his court advisor's antics. " I wanted to find out what you were telling the people".
Elymas pointed a finger at Paul. " Nobody on this island wants to hear your lies and deceit so leave and do not come back".
Paul, starting to get filled with the Holy Spirit, walked over and stood in front of Elymas.
" Leave now" screeched Elymas.
" You are a child of the devil and full of deceit" said Paul. " Will you never stop perverting the ways of the Lord". Paul pointed a finger at the court advisor. " The hand of the Lord is upon you and you will be blind and not see the sun for a while".
Immediately, a mist and a darkness fell upon Elymas. He tried to reach Sergius's desk but stumbled and fell over it.
" What has happened to me?" yelled Elymas. An aide ran in and led him out of the court room.
Sergius, after observing the whole scene unfold before his eyes, turned toward the three. " I saw and I believe".

The End

Everyone take care. Love Ric.

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