Monday, June 24, 2024

True Grit page 25

 True Grit page 25 by ric gustafson

Somebody was shaking me. I opened my eyes. It was Marshal Cogburn. 
" Here they come". 
Six riders stopped 50 yards from the dugout.
Cogburn whispered to me. " Do you see your man?".
I looked down below. " I can't see their faces".
Cogburn pointed. " The one in front is Ned Pepper".
" What are they doing?".
" Looking around". He stared at me. " Keep your head down".
Two of the bandits rode up and stopped in front of the dugout.
" Quincy" yelled one of the bandits.
Cogburn whispered to me. " That one is Haze".
The two bandits dismounted. They entered the dugout arms ready.
The bandits came back out a minute later.
Haze looked around. " Quincy". He walked over to Pepper. " Their horses are here but they are not inside".
Ned Pepper scratched his chin. " That's odd".
Haze continued. " There is a pot of sofky still in the fireplace".
Pepper shook his head. " Quincy would not leave a fire like that".
Another bandit spoke up. " Let's change horses and get out of here".
Cogburn pointed. " The one talking now is Greaser Bob".

research help: ' True Grit' by Charles Portis

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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