Monday, June 24, 2024

at the feet of Jesus: Luke 11:3

 at the feet of Jesus: Luke 11:3 by ric gustafson

More than one million people were led into a desert. There was no food. Luke 11:3 says give us each day our daily bread. But God had a solution. Manna, a mysterious bread from heaven, would fall to them daily. They could not gather more than one day. Otherwise it would rot. The only exception was the day before Sabbath. The people had to trust God that the manna would come the next day.
We pray for our daily bread. God wants a relationship with us. This relationship with God must be maintained. We must ask for daily bread in every aspect of our life.

research help: ' At His Feet' by Chris Tiegreen

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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