Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Chosen: Luke 4: 31-32

 Chosen: Luke 4: 31-32 by ric gustafson

In Jesus's day, authority was for a select few. The religious system of the Jews governed their places of worship but also the laws of the land. The religious leaders could tell everyone how to live. There was no trial or appeal because the religious leaders ran everything.
Jesus healed people. Crowds came to him. The crowds came to Jesus because of the way he spoke. Jesus spoke with authority. The religious leaders were afraid of losing their power. In Luke 20, the religious leaders confronted Jesus. They asked him where his authority came from?. 
Jesus simply told them I am. Jesus spoke by his own authority. 

research help: ' The Chosen devotional' by Broadstreet Publishing 

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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