Saturday, June 22, 2024

at the feet of Jesus: John 14:6

 at the feet of Jesus: John 14:6 by ric gustafson

Jesus made a scandalous claim. Jesus said that he was the way and the truth and the life. Jesus presented himself. Jesus said no one comes to the Father except through me. Because he said this, Jewish leaders, Roman authorities and a mob wanted him dead. 
Jesus is the only way to God. A lot of people don't want a Master or God. A lot of people avoid Jesus at all costs. 
How many Lords do we have?. Is it our career, our lifestyle. The world today tries to steer us away from God. Jesus says I am the only way to the Father. Believe in me. Believe in my Father.

research help: ' At His Feet' by Chris Tiegreen

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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