Thursday, June 20, 2024

True Grit page 24

 True Grit page 24 by ric gustafson

At one point, Quincy and Moon were quietly conversing with each other.
Cogburn stood up with his rifle. " What are the two of you discussing?".
Moon blurted out. " We saw Ned and Haze two days ago".
" Be quiet Moon or I will kill you".
" I must have a doctor". Moon winced again. " I will tell them what I know".
Quincy took out a bowie knife. He chopped off one or more of Moon's fingers. Moon screamed. Angry, he shot a rifle ball into Quincy's neck. Blood splurted all over the place. 
I jumped off the bench and ran to a nearby corner.
Cogburn ran over and checked Quincy. There was no pulse. " He's already dead".
Moon was bleeding from his hand. " I'm dying".
Cogburn knelt down to Moon's face. " Where's Ned Pepper?".
Moon screamed. " Don't leave me here to die".
" I won't". Cogburn asked again. " When did you see Pepper?".
" I saw Ned and Haze two days ago at McAlester's".
Cogburn glanced at the door. " Are they coming here later tonight?".
Moon winced. " Yes".
LaBoeuf looked at Moon. " How many?".
" At least four". Moon winced one last time. He closed his eyes forever.
Cogburn frowned. " I'll cover them up".
LaBoeuf scratched his chin. " What do we do now?".
" Find a good spot about half the way up the North slope".
He pointed at me. " What about you and her?".
" Baby sister and I will find a spot up the South slope". He pointed at the Texan. " Wait for my signal".

research help: ' True Grit' by Charles Portis

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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