Saturday, June 15, 2024

Chosen: Luke 9: 23-24

 Chosen: Luke 9: 23-24 by ric gustafson

Luke 9 says if anyone would come after me let her deny herself  and take up her cross daily and follow me. To save our lives, we must lose them. The first disciples dropped everything to follow Jesus. They sacrificed everything to follow the Messiah. There lives were turned upside down. Jesus knew what was next for them. 
Jesus knew they would be pillars of the early church. He knew they would be spreading the good news to masses. Jesus knew they would face imprisonment and death. 
An example was Mary Magdalene. Jesus delivered her from seven demons. She followed Jesus to the end. She financially supported Jesus's ministry. She gave away everything she had to follow Jesus. She was the first Jesus appeared to after he was risen. She was the one who gave the disciples the good news that Jesus had risen. Jesus had given her new life. Jesus also gave us new life. Praise Jesus.

research help: ' The Chosen devotional' by Broadstreet Publishing

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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