Monday, June 10, 2024

come and see page 12

 come and see page 12 by ric gustafson

Gaius led Jesus into the room.
" Ah the Rabbi from Nazareth". Quintus smiled. He pointed to an empty chair. " Please sit down".
Jesus sat down.
" Did this man or his followers resist?".
" No".
" Good". He grinned. " You may leave".
Gaius quickly left.
" Jesus of Nazareth". Quintus's voice hesitated. " We finally meet".
" Here I am".
" Atticus one of my Cohortes Urbanae has been following you".
" And what did he see?".
" Public disruptions which puts a blight on my personal reputation".
" One of your tax collectors has come to be with me".
Quintus frowned. " And what is his name now?".
" Matthew".
Quintus shook his head. " I don't know what to make of you".
" People often say that".
" Jesus, listen good to me". Quintus gave Jesus a hard stare. " No more spectacles, crowds or meddling of any kind".
Jesus stared at Quintus. " I can't promise you that".
" Jesus, heed my warning". He frowned. " Now go".

research help: ' The Chosen Come and See' by Jerry B Jenkins

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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