Monday, June 3, 2024

come and see page 8

 come and see page 8 by ric gustafson

Jesus, Simon, John and Matthew stepped into the entrance of the Pool of Bethesda. Jesus looked around. He pointed. " There he is".
" Who?" exclaimed Simon.
Jesus was pointing toward a man on his side. He was next to the edge of the pool. " He has been here the longest".
Jesus quietly walked past people groaning and coughing. He stopped at the man he was pointing at. " Shalom".
The man opened his eyes. " Me?".
Jesus stared at the man. " Do you want to be healed?".
" Sir, no one can help me into the water". He began to cry. " And when I do get close, others step down in front of me".
" Look at me". Jesus looked at the man. " I'm asking about you".
He began to cry. " I've tried".
" So, do you want to be healed?".
He nodded.
Jesus put his hands on him.
The man put his hands on the ground. He put his back against a pillar. Smiling, he slowly began to rise. When he had completely stood up, he smiled at Jesus and walked away.
Jesus smiled. The disciples were amazed.

research help: ' The Chosen Come and See' by Jerry B Jenkins

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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