Wednesday, June 12, 2024

True Grit page 20

 True Grit page 20 by ric gustafson

It was dark when we rode up to the dugout. Marshal Cogburn thought that the place would be empty. Cogburn said we could shelter there tonight. I looked around. The dugout was at the end of a V shaped hollow. The dugout was small and sunk back into a clay bank. 
LaBoeuf noticed the chimney before I did. Smoke and sparks were coming out. Cogburn got off his horse. He picked up his Winchester repeating rifle. He motioned to us to wait. He quietly walked up to the door.
A voice came through the door. " Who's out there?".
" We're looking for shelter". Cogburn's voice hesitated. " There's three of us".
" We have no room for you here".
Cogburn motioned to LaBoeuf to cover the chimney. He took a deerskin jacket from Cogburn. He quietly got up on the roof of the dugout and covered it with the jacket. Soon smoke was coming through the front door.
The front door partly opened. Someone pointed a shotgun out and fired.
Cogburn fired back at the door and hit whoever was behind it. The door quickly closed.
" I am a Federal officer". Cogburn yelled. " Who is in there?".
" No one". the scared voice hesitated. " Just ride on".
Cogburn recognized the voice. " Is that you Emmett Quincy?".

research help: ' True Grit' by Charles Portis

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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