Monday, October 2, 2023

Bible Basics: a Holy Hunger

 Bible Basics: a Holy Hunger by ric gustafson

We love miracles. Our God can do the impossible. God invites us to study his Word. God wants us to have a spiritual fever. To really study God's Word, we must be ready to receive. We need  to hear God's Word, we need to read God's Word. According to I Peter, we need to be like newborn infants. 
We need to open our Bibles and plead with God to open our hearts. Sometimes the desire is not there. Other thoughts enter our minds. We need to humble ourselves like little children. Do we realize we are helpless without the Holy Spirit?. We need to approach bible study with a child like attitude. Jesus is our High and Humble Priest. We need to plead for a holy hunger.

research help: ' Help for the Hungry Soul' by Kristen Wetherell

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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