Wednesday, November 8, 2017

the First Thanksgiving page 1

the First Thanksgiving page 1 by ric Gustafson

Psalm 92 says it is a good thing to give thanks unto the Lord. How do we picture the first Thanksgiving?. Do we picture Pilgrims and Indians gathered around a long table outside on a beautiful autumn day. In the distance is Plymouth Bay.
According to Patrick Browne who runs the Pilgrim Hall Museum, the original Pilgrims wore bright colors such as reds, blues and greens. The Pilgrim women would have been preparing the food. The first Thanksgiving may have taken place in the late summer when the harvest would have been gathered. It is likely that an elderly Pilgrim would have said grace. Saying grace was very important that first Thanksgiving. Some of the artifacts at the museum include Governor William Bradford's bible. Other artifacts include Myles Standish's sword, Constance Hopkins beaver hat and Peter Brown's beer tankard.

research help: ' Thanksgiving the holiday at the heart of the American Experience' by Melanie Kirkpatrick

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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