Sunday, November 26, 2017

the birth of Jesus page 3

the birth of Jesus page 3 by ric Gustafson

From 37 BC to 4 BC, Herod the Great ruled. He worked hard to expand his rule. He built huge buildings and a temple to Augustus in Caesarea. In Jerusalem, he built a Greek style amphitheater. He built fortresses such as Masada and Herodium.  He did not trust his own family and executed his three oldest sons, his wife and mother in law.
Jews made a pilgrimage to Jerusalem at least three times a year for required feasts. The coming Messiah is mentioned 39 times in the Old Testament. From Genesis 22 to Micah 5, a coming Messiah was predicted. That Messiah was Jesus the Son of God.

research help: ' The Birth of Jesus' by Centennial Media

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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