Wednesday, November 22, 2017

Day 27,376 page 1

Day 27,376 page 1 by ric Gustafson

Albert Hinton walked into his office. He put his lunch into a small white refrigerator on a far wall. He sat down at a large oak desk. He opened up a manila folder. He began to study the names. " A lot of people today". His boss had appointed this post to him he figured a long time ago. There is no time in Heaven.
He pushed a button on the intercom on his desk. " Nancy". His voice hesitated. " Could you please send in Pierre?".
A young man, wearing a ball cap with ' Heaven' on it, walked in and sat down.
" Morning Pierre".
" Good morning Mr Hinton". The young man looked around the spacious office. " Who is my assignment today?".
" The first name on my list". He looked at the manila folder again. " David Pickering age 75". He sighed. " Actually he is celebrating his birthday today". He looked at the folder. " He lives in Townville Kansas". He grinned again. " Have you ever been there?".
" No". He stood up to leave.
" Good luck".

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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